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Sunday, January 15, 2012

iTS tIME for tHe mini REVIEWS!!!!

This 2012, I am making a promise to write more on this blog, may it be reviews, rants or just anything under the sun to pour my heart out!!! :)

So here'S my section on MINI REVIEWS!!!

Mini reviews will just cater, as the title itself "mini", small reviews but definitely a worth-it-to read for reviews for the products I had used on the past months or so.

SO HERE IT GOES ...............

1. Maybelline's BB Cream

I love the dewy effect this cream gives onto my face. It does not have a weird scent to begin with.  Using this with an acne breakout, I find this product a little bit okay with covering up the acnes and the blemishes, but I don't seem finding to buy another one on this.  Maybe I'll try other BB creams as I am not sure if this one worsened my acne, but for now, I stopped using this and still in search of my acne culprit!

sorry for the messy sponge
2.  Maybelline's Clear Smooth All in One Shine Free Face Powder

When I started using this product, I did not like it! And I did not get to finish up the whole powder because it was broken up into pieces :( I was actually using a face brush at that time and I think it was not a good idea using the brush.  On my second purchase I used its sponge applicator and this time it was LOVE!!!! I liked how it matches up my skin color.  I love how it melts on the skin and leaves no sign of the powder at all!! Throughout the day my face is just a little bit shiny, but its staying power is good about a half day or so.

 3.  Maybelline and Avon's Lip Balm in Cherry

These two, I don't like!!! Mainly because they are too shiny (Maybelline) and too red (Avon) for my liking!!

4.  Dolce & Gabanna Perfume in Light Blue

This is a Christmas gift from the aunt.  It has this powdery mild scent smell.  I like using this on occasions as it gives you a baby scent.  It actually stays on the whole day.

5.  Avon's AM and PM Solution's Cream

This tandem goes to the neck :) Why? Because I experienced breakouts with them.  I do not want to throw them away so I thought of using this to the neck for day and night :)

So I guess that ends the MINI REVIEW section.!!! Yipeey.....I hope to make more of these soon on this year (fingers cross) :)

That's its folks, remember to smile and stay happy always!! Mwah mwah!!

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