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Saturday, March 10, 2012


It was love at first sight...........................................

source taken from google

 That's what I felt upon seeing the newest product from Avon - Anew Genics.  I knew I needed to get one.

I've been using the product everyday single night and day and it's AMAZING!! I did see visible results.  One thing that I noticed is around the eyes.  I go to sleep at night really late and when I wake up in the morning I can see sagging left eye with big eye-bags.  But then when I started putting Anew Genics, the sagginess disappeared.  And the dark circles were now bidding goodbye.  The skin also felt firmer and more radiant.   I just love how it does not give me irritations or any aggravations to the pimples that I was having at that time when I purchased it.

I am really just happy that I came to purchase this product.  Though I did not really put up high expectations at first because I don't want to get disappointed but hey " this thing is really love".  I wish I had pictures for you to be able to see it, but nah... I do not have a decent cam for you to appreciate :D

The only downside for this is the price.  It costs 1700+ .  I was able to purchase mine at around 1300+ as an introductory price and being an Avon Lady I only get to pay 995 for this.  I almost ordered two of these and now I am blaming myself of not having done so :(

Will I buy this again? YES WITH A BIG YES. I just hope once in a while they will have this on sale.

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